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Showing posts from November, 2018

Guest Post: Boys, Friendships, and Knowing who You are by Harriet Alove

            I invited a close friend of mine to write a post about whatever she desired. Harriet Alove (pen name) reflects on boys and finding who she is while in college.  ------------------------------             Much like Katherine since I have been at college I have noticed a lot of new different things. I am no longer coddled by the Jesuits, no more Kairos, no more of my sisters passing me in the hallways while I’m having a meltdown during class and having them sit and talk with me ‘till I feel better. Going to one of the largest state universities in the country has truly shell shocked me. Having ‘theology of the body’ as the most of a sex ed class I’ve had, to oddly having more knowledge about Myer’s Briggs types thanks to Mr. Cook’s junior theology. However, what has shocked me the most is how lost I have felt about myself. I’m no longer a swimmer, a good old Catholic girl going to ...

Christmas Memories: Baby Jesus, Big Cross

One Christmas Eve, my family and I went to Church and at the end of the service the youth group put on a skit. They had “Mary did you know?” playing and a man holding a baby. Then, one group transported a large cross while the baby and man walked under it. It was like Woah that’s Jesus! He was a baby and then died on the Cross, like woah! For our sins! That was a nice end of Christmas Eve service!

Christmas Memories: The Nativity

Another Week Another TWO Christmas memories, since I couldn’t think of one last week.   One year, my family and I went to the Christmas Eve Church Service as usual. As we drove over we prepared for another skit with adults talking about the Bible over coffee. But, this time as we took our beloved second row there was a real life nativity! There were animals, people, props, and even a real baby! They played out Jesus’ birth and wowed us! We could even pet the animals afterward. It was a great time!

Christmas Memories: It's the Thought that Counts

Every week until Christmas I will share a Christmas memory to fill everyone with joy and cheer.        One year for Christmas (when I was much younger) I needed to get my dad a gift, so I decided on underwear, because I thought it was funny. However this was not normal underwear, but a pair I would sew myself. I gathered together a pair of my dad's underwear from his drawer, some black cotton fabric we had, and glow in the dark thread. I began by laying out my dad's underwear and matching the length of the band to the fabric and cut. I attempted to match the pair of underwear, regarding the pattern. I also decided to sew on either "Merry Christmas Daddy" or just "Daddy," I don't remember, once again in glow in the dark thread.  I began to sew  (luckily, I made the pattern in a way that required me to ony sew one side and the legs) with the glow in the dark thread and was finished! How nice to receive a personalized pair of underwear from your daught...

Parking Day

        Since, I am officially majoring in interior design we have lots of creative projects. One of the most fun projects that we have had is Parking Day.         Parking Day comes from the idea that a parking space is an area that you can rent for a few hours, however the item inside the space can be anything, its just that people typically put cars in there. With this information we were challenged to create an opportunity for positive social engagement inside of a parking space.         We were each assigned a group and theme, ours was Education. After a failed attempt my group and I settled on educating people on Japanese artist, Yayoi Kusama. Kusama works heavily in art involving dots. One of her displays, Obliteration Room, is a white room and people are encouraged to place multicolor stickers all over the room. We recreated this by having a pop up tent with white table cloths stretched over two sides to create a corne...