I invited a close friend of mine to write a post about whatever she desired. Harriet Alove (pen name) reflects on boys and finding who she is while in college. ------------------------------ Much like Katherine since I have been at college I have noticed a lot of new different things. I am no longer coddled by the Jesuits, no more Kairos, no more of my sisters passing me in the hallways while I’m having a meltdown during class and having them sit and talk with me ‘till I feel better. Going to one of the largest state universities in the country has truly shell shocked me. Having ‘theology of the body’ as the most of a sex ed class I’ve had, to oddly having more knowledge about Myer’s Briggs types thanks to Mr. Cook’s junior theology. However, what has shocked me the most is how lost I have felt about myself. I’m no longer a swimmer, a good old Catholic girl going to ...
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