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Showing posts from February, 2022

My Favorite Conversation Questions

Howdy family and friends (probably mostly family)! I hope you’re all doing fabulous. I’m cool, I recently had a snow day. As many of you know I adore talking. One of my favorite things is to ask questions in order to start and keep conversations going. I always learn a lot about who I’m talking to and I rarely fail to laugh! I’m pretty sure the people I ask also enjoy these questions, so in honor of Vogue magazine I compiled a list of 73 questions that I’d love to ask and be asked! There’s a few you’ve likely been asked before and a few you never thought of being asked. I recommend choosing a number and going from there as they aren’t really in an order. In the future I’d love to do a blog where I answer them all. Enjoy! 1. What are your thoughts on child leashes? 2. Do you believe in bigfoot? 3. If OJ moved in next door what would you do? Move? Give him a pie? Invite him over for dinner? Give him the wave when driving? Let him borrow your gloves? 4. What’s the best compliment you’ve e...

What I’ve Learned in 22 Years…It’s Not Much

Hello, Hello, Hello! I hope you’re all well! It’s been about a month since I celebrated my birthday and I wanted to continue that celebration by sharing what I’ve learned in life thus far. I originally wanted to share one thing for each year, but that’s a lot to have learned and I haven’t learned that much worth emulating. I also wanted to focus on a few quality lessons rather than 22 subpar ones like reading or swimming (although reading and swimming are both important and I can teach you how to swim). Some of my lessons are more serious and some aren’t. I’ve also used pseudonyms in order to protect the anonymity of the people in each story or to had clarity. Obviously, Jesus isn’t a pseudonym. Anyways, please enjoy reading. Jesus Loves Me More Than Anyone Ever Has or Will This is a somewhat recent revelation of mine that I had during adoration or prayer. As much as I crave attention from others or desire a boyfriend, I will never receive the extent of love that I desire from them as ...