1. Not everyone is a Gentleman
In high school, I would play a game with myself when I was in the boys division. I would see how long I could go without having to touch a door. All the young men would open them for me and once I even had a teacher apologize on behalf of some young men that failed to hold the door open for me. This game is no longer easy to play because boys (notice how I didn't use young men) do not open the door. When did it become the norm to not open a door for a young women? I even had a dad open the door for me, as his son continued walking. The young men that do open the door I always make sure to thank as I genuinely am appreciative of their effort. No, I don't have high expectations, I just know what I deserve.
2. Don't go to Wal-Mart after 9pm
Last week my roommate and I went to Wal-Mart at 10pm. That was a mistake. We parked and a car pulled up right next to us. The men in the car then got out and proceeded to smoke weed (gross). The smell was so strong we could smell it in our locked, closed window car. Once they walked into the store we went and parked somewhere else as this was not a safe situation. We parked once again and saw more interesting men walk into the store. We got what we needed and left. Wal-Mart should not be open 24 hours.
3. Those are not Ghirardelli Chocolates
Last Friday I was in the campus health center to set up an appointment. As I was waiting I noticed what I thought were Ghirardelli chocolate squares. "How Nice!" I thought. As I began to get up to get one I realized those were not Ghirardelli chocolate squares, but instead condoms. Eww. I don't know what that says about me as I was thinking they were chocolate.
4. Cussing is Acceptable.
I have noticed more and more that my peers cuss a lot! I am always shocked at how much cussing I hear. I am ashamed to say that I have even noticed myself using choice words. I have to break that soon.
5. I miss Dress Codes
I now see why we had a dress code in high school. It was professional, clean, and refreshing. In college, people do not dress nicely. On a daily basis I see midriff, pajamas, leggings, booty shorts, ungroomed hair, low cut tops, and more than I ever hope to see. Sometimes I see young men in fraternities wearing blazers. People are surprised by this and are not used to young men dressed like this. For me, it's always refreshing to see young men dressed like this because of how professional they look, I miss it.
Thank You for the dress code RJ!
6. Squirrels are weird.
Squirrels on college campuses are weird. They are not very skittish and never afraid of you. I think many people enjoy that, but all the squirrels stare at me weirdly, which I don't like. One time during my Catholic Bible Study there were two squirrels chasing each other and began mating. Weird Squirrels.
7. There are more Christians than you think!
This point has helped me a lot. I am always surprised by the amount of people in Christian groups and go to church. I LIKE THIS! This has helped me find more people that are like me and be able to get to know people more. I am in two Christian clubs that I enjoy and helped make college easier. People on campus are always asking me "Have you given your life to God?" with pamphlets in hand. While I have, I don't mind these people because I like talking. I also like the people with the large crosses telling me to convert. So yeah, It's always comforting to be around people like you.
8. What is a Boy?
Going to school with boys is a new change that is well, interesting. I am used to having class with only girls, but now boys are in my classes too! I'm not really sure how people talk to boys and become friends with them. My grandma even asks about the boys here, it's awkward.
9. Vegans are Everywhere
For some reason there are a bunch of vegans here and I don't know why. Like, have they ever pet a fur coat? I don't think they have, because everyone would love fur if they did. And what is so bad
with meat? You get protein. have they never had fresh, wild turkey? Or sausages cooked by actual Cubans? Probably not. I truly only think that vegans exist if there is an abundance of food. If you were a cave man and your friends somehow, someway got an animal, you would never refuse the food and fur it provides. Otherwise you'd starve and freeze. I even was forced to take a pamphlet the other day. You're giving a pamphlet to the girl wearing leather shoes?
10. Go where your Comfortable
My favorite activities I do in college are things I have done before. I always go to Mass on Sundays because I enjoy it, am comfortable, and know the familiar sights and smells. No matter where you are most Catholic Churches have the same idea of décor and same rituals, so it's like a home everywhere! I also like to swim because pools are my second home. I always feel free, cold, and under pressure, which is my favorite feeling! I also like to be in The University Club. It's just a lounge with the names of donors in it, next to a restaurant. It has wood, leather coaches, high back chairs, and sometimes donors sit there too, which I am familiar with. But, don't always stick to what your comfortable with, follow what Xavier University says and do something that you're familiar with, something you have always wanted to try, and something to do with you major!
All in all, I have gone through things that I wouldn't have otherwise, both good and bad, but all are learning experiences. I can't wait for part two! Thank You! God Bless!!!!!!!!!!!
You are such a good writer, and so funny. I remember you always made us laugh. I am writing you a note back on email, but just wanted to post a comment.