December was Ah-mazing!
I finished my semester which included turning in a rendering of my group's idea for a dorm building, taking my finals which were relatively easy, and home I went!
Dior at the Denver Art Museum
Fashion has always been a love of mine and probably always will be, so when I heard two years ago a Christian Dior exhibit would be arriving I knew I had to go. I went with my parents and loved seeing the haute couture. I will definitely get into this more. I also had a great lunch down there too.
I did have a few friends over to play poker and catch up which was sweet. I enjoyed hearing the crazy stories they have and everything in between.
Since many of my friends from high school were back in town for Christmas they could be found everywhere! I ran into a friend of mine at the mall and talked about a frat party for a little and then another we both smiled as big as we could and waved at each other at the grocery store.
The Trimmings of the Tree
Finding our family's Christmas tree was fun because we just kept driving until we found a closed place which then let us get one anyways. I also decorated my house for Christmas.
Christmas Eve Mass
Christmas Eve Mass at my high school was definitely one of my favorite parts of break! I got to see all of my friends again! Squishy hugs were given and smiles seen! I was so happy! The homily discussed West Wing and how if we're in a hole Jesus will be there with us knowing how to get out. It was very sweet. I continued socializing with my sisters and went home for the night. It was the best I've felt in a long time.
Christmas was very nice this year. I woke up before the sun shone and continued wrapping presents with my brother. We tore through our gifts which were surprisingly good. We had our German Apple Pancake and played with our gifts the rest of the day!
My family and I went downtown for the fireworks this year, but were completely underwhelmed not by the fireworks, but of the crowd. There were so few people there and not many opportunities to people watch. The fireworks were wonderful, but I wish there was more.
December was filled many memories and lots of good people! I am so glad I am done with all of these now. Thank You for reading it if you did, I really just wanted to write it down to remember it and not really for blog material, but whatever. Thank You
God Bless!
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