Hi, I’m Katherine! I realize I’ve had this blog for a while and never formally introduced myself, mostly because I know most of my readers personally, but for those I don’t know I hope you can understand a little bit more about me and my blog this way.
I am currently a student in college studying interior design. I am also a Catholic School girl who considers myself pretty preppy, but I’m not sure if I totally am. I enjoy swimming and golf and have been swimming since I was 6 months old! I love talking a lot and love to share the weird, fun things I encounter. I also LOVE fashion and always have, so I might switch to that because that is what I ultimately want to do. That’s a little about me and I think I will add an about me on my Instagram story every friday, but more about my blog.
I began The Katherine Kazette after bringing up the idea in a class that I had, especially two friends, Audrey and Hayden, who really encouraged me, so the Katherine Kazette began! I started with the highs and lows of my junior year and then transitioned into lifeguard stories and other stories about me. The ten people who read it (which apparently did not include my family) loved it! Then I kind of neglected it and as I began again my mom said I needed to delete it as it was “too personal.” Then, this past October I thought I should do this again, so I did!
I plan to post about my life in college, the fun I have, some fashion, and maybe Jesus! I’m so excited and have some great drafts in the works!
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